A Complete Insurance Ecosystem

Our proprietary platform brings together three components to create a self-sustaining ecosystem for your agency which will allow your agency to flourish today and going forward.

Our system will provide your agency with niche specific profit centers.

By increasing your skill stack you can make yourself financially bulletproof from changes in the market.

Our Brands

Contractor Millionaires

Understanding that contractors have to be able to take advantage of opportunities as they arise can mean the difference between success and hoping and wishing for success.
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CPA Triple Play

What’s the CPA Triple Play?

  1. Insurance – Connect your clients with insurance providers who understand their needs and offer outstanding rates and service.
  2. Mortgages-Help your clients get the loan they need, they’ll never look for another accountant!
  3. Securities- Connect your clients with a securities broker they can trust to grow their assets.

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Rocking Chair Millionaires

We are revolutionizing the way retirees earn money!

We decided to turn the status quo on its head. RCM is the first and only platform of its kind that brings together million-dollar earners in the Medicare industry with middle aged folks looking for an opportunity to create sustainable recurring revenue.

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MLO Millionaires

We create life changing revenue for any MLO.

Our exclusive platform is the coming together of financial giants generating $5.7 Trillion a year in revenue- The MLO community and the insurance community.


Real Estate Millionaires

The Real Estate Agent Millionaires platform is an open door to life changing income and ongoing wealth. We are at the epicenter of the seismic shift and you you by the hand to teach you and give you the training and resources you  need to never have to financial worry again.

For more information schedule a call.